Pearlan Feeney-Grater"The quality of one's life is the quality of one's communication. The meaning of communication is the response you get. Awareness of each response promotes choices." |
Pearlan Feeney-Grater, MS, CCC, CGA, CH , CERTEHYP OWNER AND FOUNDER OF THE SELF CENTER Certified Hypnotist, Master of Neurolinguistic Programming, Handwriting Analyst,Level II Domancic Method of Bioenergy Healing, Reiki Master
Meet Pearlan, owner and founder of The Self Center. That's right ...the name is Pearlan – different yet real. So too are her talents – different yet real. Pearlan assists you in achieving "Rapport in Human Excellence." As she puts it, "Think of me as reframing your thinking to achieve the results you want." As one client tells it, "She is like an antibiotic for your mind! One dose of her and you feel so much better, with lasting effects. This is one prescription you will want to refill." Your maximum potential can be realized. You learn to understand, integrate and align with yourself and others. Achieve positive and effective communication on any level with any individual or groups you encounter. Imagine what this can do for you personally and professionally! See yourself as the person you want to be. "To know is nothing - to imagine is everything." Allow yourself to experience the unique combination of methods and techniques Pearlan offers. She effectively integrates the sciences of Handwriting Analysis, Hypnotherapy, REIKI, Emotional Freedom Technique and Neurolinguistic Programming to help you understand the impact of words and actions on yourself and others. Whether she is working with you in an individual session or group presentations, Pearlan transforms these sciences to an art form, as you begin to understand intentions, traits, behaviors, perceptions and responses in interacting with others. In short, she helps you to harness the powers of your own mind and create positive, useful and desirable states of well being.
You will learn about skills of interaction, persuasion and leadership. You will develop self-control, focus and relaxation. You will find your comfort zone and that of others. That's right ... You will increase your sense of confidence and well being in any and all situations. You will build immediate rapport with others. Ultimately, you will learn the meaning of "Rapport in human excellence." If you have tried these techniques, you know. If you have not, you must! You owe it to yourself. Naturally, you will want to read on to discover what lies ahead for you. "What I need ... I have. What I want ... is within me."
PEARLAN'S BACKGROUND Imagine being told from as far back as you can remember that you will one day own a business in what is now your home! Think about it! Better yet, feel what it feels like to be told, "You can do it, no matter what is happening around you, you can be whatever you want to be ... No mention of what "it" was that I would do ... No "Why"... No "How". Just blind faith that I would do it. Even then, The Law of Attraction ... Ask and It is given was in play. Drifting back to current time, seeing all that you have experienced being connected beyond what you dreamed about and hoped for. You see, from as far back as I can remember, I have had an insatiable need "to be ... to do ... to have." Yet, as my life journey has taken its course with many a twist and turn, one thought has been a constant- One day I would do what I do best in a place that feels like "home"... A place that welcomes all who enter ... A place that offers privacy and acceptance to all ... A place that is nurturing, supporting and inspiring ... A place that allows others to achieve all that is needed and wanted ... A place that transcends current life's challenges with whatever it takes within reason. ... Now my life's work started as soon as I could figure things out for myself ... Age 4! From there, all that I have done and experienced has allowed me to understand the workings of the mind and its connections with body and spirit. My background as an Educator and Speech and Language Pathologist as well as Corporate Manager and Trainer has left me wanting to know more about how to use our minds to work "smarter" not harder! My quest revealed that the more I learned, the more I wanted to learn about the mind- Right Brain ... Left Brain ... Whole Brain Thinking So, as you read on and absorb what I have to say, you will begin to notice that all I do is so interwoven ...yet all I do can stand alone in its own right, in helping you to achieve, as you delete, Add , Revise, Reframe ... Whatever it takes to feel at "home" within your own space of Your mind, body & spirit The first step is to enter the door of The Self Center, an 1863 historical building with energy, spirit and charm for whatever it is you need for yourself. As you close the door behind you, you will walk away from all that that is no longer good for you, feeling safe, secure and protected. When your session is completed, you will open the door, feeling refreshed, reenergize, and renewed, having reacquainted with what you need and want, as you walk towards all that is right for you...That's right... Walking in your Point of Strength... with Pearlan as your guide.