In Honor of Peter Jennings
As I was emailing you all Sunday night, I saw the news
about Peter Jennings.
Would I have been so fortunate to work with him
and contribute to his life, as he has to ours.
Now, whether you were a fan of his or not, I was
because he was a familiar face to me throughout the
years. A face I trusted and respected because of his
high standards of reporting, his work ethics and family
values. What endeared him to me more was that he was
Canadian-born journalist from a place that my mother and
family lived. So as they say ... Everyone in Canada is a
COUSIN ... I hope on some level he was to me.
We all know he died of lung cancer from smoking.
In honor of his spirit and contributions, I ask that
if any of you know people who smoke, send them this
email. This is not about business, this is about
timing-something Peter ran out of. When one smokes and
hears of someone who has died of smoking ... it rallies
the forces within to STOP.
I know. I have experienced this with clients ... FEAR
is a funny motivater. But if that is what it takes ...
then so be it.
Understand that I know what I am doing with smoking
cessation and can be the chance for someone- a chance
that Peter did not have. What does anyone have to loose?
The cost of a few cartons of cigarettes! For $125.00 the
client will experience a two hour session that could
save a life.
Let your friends know that through a combination of
various techniques using Hypnotherapy, Pattern
Interrupt with Neurolinguistic Programming and a four
day detox program, people have stopped smoking. An
added feature of our session is that they receive a personalized
Smoking Cessation CD recorded that day. They will
listen to this information every night for 30 days to
"slam-dunk" the powerful suggestions about not
smoking ever again. Yes! I put people to sleep and
proud of it! I have testimony after testimony about my
technique-available for anyone to read upon request.
See me as an antibiotic for the mind, eliminating
that which is toxic and restoring the body to a
healthy state once again.
So ... Your next step ... Send this message on to
someone you care about. In return. when he/she
comes in for a session, you will be gifted with
a relaxation and stress reduction CD that uses the
techniques of visualization and guided imagery.
Imagine being relaxed, lulled and soothed, simply by
listening to this CD.
If you have tried this yourself ... You know. If you
have not ... You must.
You have everything to gain ... and so too, does your
Email this to whomever you choose.
Tell them to mention you as the referral and
when the appointment is booked, I will call you.